Bob Dylan's "Dear Landlord" in honor of Taylor Mead (1924-2013)
following poem by Taylor Mead
Freedom is the trick word...
of the century
Let’s go to Capri this spring
Out of Show-Business into a real love affair.
It’s dangerous
–– this world
I don’t know whether it’s
or bad
or sad.
In my field I’m the best!
And I don’t know what that field is ! !
? ?
Spontaneity is better, but
it’s better not to worry
about it––or, you better
not worry about it––or
your grandmother’s
drawers are hanging on
the line or the lawn
has been trimmed,
or Uncle Henry is going
down on the Mimosa.
And Aunt Hank-O-Hara
is doing
too many genuflexions.
And her hands are
I may do this play
All by Myself.
God Has No Talent!
The Pod People will all
All take over and we can
crawl in and get warm
A Fellini Movie
Mea Fellina
You genius of the Italian
The Fear of Taylor Mead
The Fear of Taylor Mead
The Unequivocal Street
Fear of his…….
following poem by Taylor Mead
Freedom is the trick word...
of the century
Let’s go to Capri this spring
Out of Show-Business into a real love affair.
It’s dangerous
–– this world
I don’t know whether it’s
or bad
or sad.
In my field I’m the best!
And I don’t know what that field is ! !
? ?
Spontaneity is better, but
it’s better not to worry
about it––or, you better
not worry about it––or
your grandmother’s
drawers are hanging on
the line or the lawn
has been trimmed,
or Uncle Henry is going
down on the Mimosa.
And Aunt Hank-O-Hara
is doing
too many genuflexions.
And her hands are
I may do this play
All by Myself.
God Has No Talent!
The Pod People will all
All take over and we can
crawl in and get warm
A Fellini Movie
Mea Fellina
You genius of the Italian
The Fear of Taylor Mead
The Fear of Taylor Mead
The Unequivocal Street
Fear of his…….
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