An Evening of Disruptive and Provocative Poetry, Performance and Film
Mona Bismarck American Center for Art and Culture
34, Avenue de New York, Paris, France
Tuesday, 10 September, 1900h
Featuring art & performance by:
Henrik Aeshna (London/US/SA/Paris)
David Barnes (London/Paris)
Fork Burke (Switzerland/New York)
Pontus Carle
DADAnewyork feat. Robert Hieger & Joanie Hieger Fritz Zosike (NYC)
Léone Jaffin (New York/Paris)
Antonia Alexandra Klimenko
(San Francisco/Paris)
Philip Meersman (Brussels/Paris)
Bruce Sherfield (Kansas/Paris)
Catherine Sorba (New York/Paris)
Touraud (Paris/Paris)
Dominique Vinciguerra (New York/Paris)
Peter Waugh (London/Vienna/Paris)
Constantin Xenakis (Athens/Paris)
Bendel & Poul R. Weile (Berlin)
and more!
hosted by
Peter Carlaftes + Kat Georges (New York/Paris)
Dada is still alive and kicking, and New York-based publisher Three Rooms Press will be celebrating its ongoing influence at ¡DADA à la CARTE PARIS!, an evening of eclectic and disruptive visual art, poetry, film and performance art at Mona Bismarck American Center for Art and Culture in Paris on Tuesday, 10 September, 1900h. Tickets are €20 (general admission) and €10 (students). Tickets may be purchased at the door on the day of the event. Limited seating; please arrive early for preferred admission.
The event will feature performances by American, French, Belgian and German artists and writers published in TRP’s Maintenant: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art, as well as other cutting edge artists associated with the press.
Performers include Henrik Aeshna (Cabaret Toxique, Tsunami bOOKS); David Barnes (poet and host of SpokenWord Paris); Fork Burke (poet/photographer); Pontus Carle (artist); DADAnewyork feat. Robert Hieger & Joanie Hieger Fritz Zosike (performance artists); Léone Jaffin (filmmaker, author and actress); Antonia Alexandra Klimenko (poet and performance artist); Philip Meersman (sound and poetry performance artist); Bruce Sherfield (musician, poet, Bastille journal); Catherine Sorba (filmmaker); Christophe Touraud (actor & comedian); Dominique Vinciguerra (photographer); Peter Waugh (experimental poet); Constantin Xenakis (electro-kinetic sculptor, code interpreter, concrete word artist); and Beate Bendel & Poul R. Weile (visual and performance artists). The event will be hosted by Three Rooms Press co-directors Peter Carlaftes and Kat Georges.
For further information and to reserve tickets, contact three rooms press at info@threeroomspress.com
About Maintenant 7
Maintenant 7: A Journal of Contemporary DaDa Writing and Art (Three Rooms Press, 2013) is the most recent installment of an annual series published since 2005. The current issue features work by Jerome Rothenberg, Charles Plymell, Mike Watt, Gerard Malanga, Claude Pelieu, Mary Beach, Brion Gysin, William Burroughs, Antonia Alexandra Klimenko, Susan Shup, Pontus Carle, Philip Meersman, Constantin Xenakis & many more. Copies will be available for purchase at the event, and are available online at http://threeroomspress.com/authors/maintenant-dada-journal/
About Mona Bismarck American Center for Art and Culture
The Mona Bismarck American Center for art & culture aims to strengthen understanding and friendship between France and the United States by enabling the discovery of the richness and diversity of American art and culture through exhibitions, educational programs and events. The Center, located near the Eiffel Tower in the heart of Paris, additionally promotes synergies with organizations that seek to deepen the relationship between the United States and Europe. Further information: monabismarck.org
About Three Rooms Press
Three Rooms Press is a New York-based publisher and performing arts producer, founded in 1993. Since its inception, it has served as a leading independent publisher of poetry, poetry translations, drama and art sourced from the burgeoning international spoken word, music and underground art scenes. In 2012, it expanded its publishing line to include cutting edge work in fiction, creative historical nonfiction, memoir, photography and art. In addition to work by individual artists, Three Rooms Press publishes two annual publications: HAVE A NYC: New York Short Stories (featuring short stories that use New York City as their setting), and Maintenant: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art. In addition, TRP produces and promotes a variety of events; since 1992 it has staged more than 400 major cultural events in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Berlin, London, Bastia and more, including readings, plays, workshops and musical events.
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