return of the birds
when the fountain was cleared
the trees heard song again
long before the pipes were connected
a gust
the wind knocks you down
rends your tatters
whips your flesh
devours you entire
an old favorite tune
sleepy-bye nu lullaby no
say not say no say me now
me lullaby see me no see now
lullaby me see lullaby me now
the ocean floor
dull crafty fellows and the archetypes they follow as well
they blow as the whales blow they have been under
the seas where strange things are poked eyes sawn hair the sirens of the deep
Larry Moe & Curly Joe & Shemp
vinegar and gall
the striptease at the cash register said
baptize any turkeys lately thou Pope’s nose?
for it was Thanksgiving to see Honest Abe set forth across the tableland
for the treading of the wine and the breaking of bread
the late bus
shambling declarations of the mind
to itself alone and no other
visible in the great city
on my street
aquamarine and ochre its shores
a river with the usual banks and stores
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