


I will say nothing 

no soft paragraphs – automatic agreements – no democracy 

resonate weapon speak               be devastated be free 


I will say nothing 

a sentence can be stretched out over generations 

the listener is speaking 


I will never sing the memorized song 


Some days never end – the laundromat – counting 10 quarters – I am fond of watching the fading 

and the yellow – black plastic garbage bags – finger promises over the hole – my arms sweat 

keep walking – words reduced to first letter recognition I remember – there is 

no history  


Soak the silver   you will need aluminium baking powder boiling water and a bowl 


Stop celebrating Christmas 

honor your dead   be clear about their immortality and yours 

duplication fields nourish no message     no instructions 

got no leg room   memory 

How do you destroy a people     one generation at a time 

Food is what 

It looks like permission     cut 

Food is ancestor     plant speak 

A body can get use to it`s soul in all forms 

I don`t find it poetic 

The forest needs a good laugh – I say it is only a vending machine 

There is no overload      information 


Doris Stauffer cut in half is still Doris Stauffer 

What interests me – these interruptions that I allow to shift how a word is chosen – He asked me 

What do you collect – I told him street cleaning sticks and metal circles – I asked him 

What do you collect – he said little paper notes discarded by his students – Choose one and 

It shall be the last line of this poem – Days later he sent me the name Doris Stauffer- He asked 

Can you use that 






Dreams slip Tell everything – Expect it 


I tried hard – I went to Freud – A drive is no pleasure 

outburst angry genitals fought language wounded – fought connection 

healing 10 generations past and   10 generations future Healed now 

you have to know how – and you must do this work 


Realize the implications 


Present authority addiction – leave me out of it – World View rooted in laughable separation 

Connection this freedom – How deeply human is possible – I believe he aligned himself with 

Divine timing – He said Yes and gained access – He said Yes and the others said No – discovered 

is a word that blocks our understanding of Spirit – our ancient greatness – there is no object – 

Therefore I am – no object no object no over there 


We are Orgasm 


function – How do you travel – All healing is sexual healing all creation communication is orgasm 

energy – there are worlds in your sex – there are points and locations – I correspond to earth 

Reich an infinity ongoing narrative – the beginning middle and end are simultaneous and therefore 

need not exist – This confidence without need – He identified the NO people – He said their Blood wouldn`t stretch out – a poetic way to say something very deep and certain – Violence is this NO 

Something disturbing has locked in place – Their blood won`t stretch out – Their Blood won`t 

stretch out – Start with this – Everything you were ever taught is rooted in separation – they will 

Insist you refer to it as reality – OrGanism OrGasm OrGone 


I wrote down Republics – How much time does need require to create out of us 

I`m training Dream to be – eliminating No at the source


Fork Burke is a poet currently living and writing in Switzerland - She received her BA in Creative Writing from The New School, New York, NY. Her poems have appeared in Hoezo Lepels?, PRAXILLA, Lyre Lyre, Unshod Quills, Caucasus ArtMag and Three Rooms Press publication Maintenant, as well as Le désir Live Radio Show for Art Basel 2012 – Basel Kunstmuseum Radio 2012 – 2012 Lyrics for BLOOD by Nick Porsche. Contributing poet at The First Brussels International Underground Poetry Festival – Her book Licking Glass is a book of poems, poetic essays and other images. Licking Glass is also included in the permanent collection of Poets House Library, NY, NY. Recordings include Fork Remixed – Which was among the winners of the Australian International Song Competition. Her latest Spoken Word recording is Durch die Blumen.





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