I am
food, drug and drink all consuming
death machine
I am parasitic cathedral
My skin, a galactic blanket of viral microbes
Spiraling endlessly through a cosmos of atrophy
I am salt of the earth
I am dirt
My smokestack phallus factories
spew forth the demon semen seed
of my dis-ease
I relieve my black rains
into the toilet bowls of untold Bikini Atols
and stick sticky whiskey fingers
to back of throat
choking out Alamagordo, New Mexico
upon the altars of every linoleum throne
from here to Hiroshima and out into the ozone
I devour rain forests whole
until there's nothing left but holes in the soil,
Erecting Disneylands and McDonalds in their place
I am laughing face of mouse and clown
I am town drunk
thief in the night
sucking usurper
suckling barrel upon barrel of black gold from bleeding nipple of the Nazarene
until too drunk to think, drink another, or brush my teeth anymore
sucking the bittersweet tear streak of seeping poppy
I am bruised trackmark haloes
on the arms of seven billion and three jonesing junkies
My spittle
the affliction of your conditioning
I am CIA Manchurian Candidate
thrusting jet planes into
dildo and erection private collections
in the prehistoric museums of your rotting intestines
I am sick
A pit of bodies burnt beyond recognition
In the ditches of Serbia, Germany, Abu Graib
Apache pilot
playing Halo with real people
through nightscope in Baghdad
I am sick in bed
waking to the agonized moans of the walking dead
sick in head from seeing red
splashed upon newspaper stand every single mourning
So we fuck and get fucked up
and cum and piss and shit
and drink and drug and eat everything in sight when high
because this place
this black hole is home
and your cellphones,
computer circuitry and programming,
your TV screens
mean about as much to us here
as hair conditioner
I am sick
but I take comfort in knowing that your social conditioning
is as sick as me
And it'll take something stronger than
chalk tablets and tofu enemas to make me well again
So I will continue laying waste to this scorched earth
until you can taste my sickness in the dirt
until I find a cure
SF 2011